Speaker spotlight: Rosalyn Bandy

Director of Environmental Strategies and Outreach

If you weren’t in the label industry, what would be your dream career?

I would love to be a limnologist – a scientist that studies inland waters (lakes, rivers, estuaries) and their ecological systems.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

Pursue what you love and the career will come to you.

What are your hobbies or interests in your free time?

I’ve recently renovated a small farm with 15 acres – making the home energy efficient and restoring a pond with native flora and fauna. I’m also an avid birder and love to kayak and hike around the local lakes in central New York where I live.

What is the biggest challenge facing the industry?

Nearly everything we produce is waste and very little of it has value to the current recycling infrastructure. We need to encourage entrepreneurs to consider the value of our materials as an input to other products, not just as a waste-to-energy resource.

What advice would you have for new people starting out in the industry?

We need innovators. The more you know, the more you can innovate; so learn everything you can about all aspects of the industry.